Critical Path Analysis Even if critical path analysis does not exactly excite you, this program can be used to find the longest or the shortest route through a large maze. As dimensioned, it will handle a network of up to 50 nodes or junctions, each of which may have up to 5 outlets. The joining links can represent distance or time and the program will list all possible paths, the longest path, or the one with most nodes. Loop back conditions are automatically rejected by the program. Draw your own network on paper and enter the separate link details in the data lines. Then press the key, sit back and watch the computer display the path analysis. 10 REM * CRITICAL PATH ANALYSIS* 20 REM @ MICHAEL BEWS 30 MODE 1:BORDER 1:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 316:PAPER 0:PEN 1:CLS 40 DIM A$(50),B$(50),P$(30),P(30),T(30) 50 NS=STRING$(30," "):GS=NS 55 sht=99999 60 K=0 70 GOTO 580 80 READ E 90 FOR X=1 TO E 100 READ A,B,C 110 B$(A)=BS(A)+CHR$(33+B):MIDS(N$,A,1)= CHRS(ASC(MID$(N$,A,1))+1) 120 A$(A)=A$(A)+CHR$(33+C) 130 NEXT X 140 READ A: IF A<>-1 THEN PRINT "CHECK SU M ERROR":STOP 150 LOCATE 19,11 : PRINT"DATA check OK" 160 PEN 2:LOCATE 1,20:PRINT CHR$(18);:LO CATE 1,20:INPUT"START NODE ";S:S=INT(S) :PEN 1:N=S:IF S<1 THEN 160 170 PEN 3:LOCATE 1,21:PRINT CHR$(18);:LO CATE 1,21:INPUT"FINISH NODE ";F:F=INT(F) :PEN 1:IF F<1 THEN 170 ELSE MIDS(N$,F,1) = " 11 180 IF F>E OR F<1 OR F=S THEN 170