Scuba OK, so it's on with the face-mask and flippers and over the side with you. The idea is to catch as many fish as you can for supper. You are armed with a simple fish spear and you just have to swim within reach of your prey to catch it. The trouble is, there are some nasty looking sharks with their eyes on you and whilst most of the time they seem quite content to live and let live, sharks have a reputation for being less than predictable! The only other serious problem facing you is that your tank holds only three minutes' worth of oxygen, so every now and then you will have to return to your craft for a fresh supply. The fish (and sharks) are programmed to change course at random and you will find it surprisingly hard to catch a fish once it is in a 'panicky' mood. 10 REM SCUBA 20 REM @ H.WALWYN 30 AIR=180 40 GOSUB 1330: MODE 1:BORDER 14:INK 0,1: INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40 ,1,25:PAPER #1,0:PEN #1,1:CLS #1: GOSUB 1140 50 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 60 P=0 70 S$="" BO FOR X=231 TO 243:S$=S$+CHR$(X):NEXT 90 U(1)=2:U(2)=2:U(3)=2 100 U(4)=3 110 U(5)=1 120 U(6)=1 130 REM 140 GOSUB 1240 150 FOR K=4 TO 6 160 S(K)=1 170 X(K)=0:Y(K)=INT(RND*11+11):D(K)=INT( RND*3-1) 180 NEXT K 190 X(7)=23:Y(7)=4:S=1:T=1 200 REM INKEY$