Endings This game is designed to make you delve the depths of your geographical knowledge. Players must think of a geographical name which starts with the last letter of the name chosen by the player who went before. So it's you against the computer, who from time to time will cheat by offering you fictitious names. Challenge if you dare! Of course if you are pushed you can try to cheat too, but the computer may well challenge your entry. 10 REM *** ENDINGS *** 20 REM H WALWYN 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:PAPER 0:PEN 1:CLS 40 Q$=" " 50 PS=1:VPS=4 60 L5=0:M1=0:M2=0 70 DIM G$(130),C(130),X(130) 80 LOCATE 12,1:PRINT CHR$(24)"ENDIN G S ";CHR$(24) 90 LOCATE 1,3:PEN 3:PRINT"THIS IS A GAME OF GEOGRAPHY [ ENDINGS ]";:PEN 2 100 PRINT"WHERE EACH PLAYER IN TURN HAS TO NAME A COUNTRY, TOWN, MOUNTAIN, RIVER OR OTHER GEOGRAPHICAL PLACE—NAME WHICH STARTS WITH THE LAST LETTER OF THE PR EVIOUS PLACE—NAME.":PEN 1 110 PRINT:PRINT"IF YOU THINK I AM MAKING SOMETHING UP WHEN IT IS YOUR GO,PRESS [ENTER] IF YOU ACCEPT MY NAME OR '*' IF YOU WISH TO CHALLENGE ME." 120 PRINT:PRINT"I SHALL LEARN AS WE GO.N 0 PLACE—NAME MAYBE USED MORE THAN ONCE" 130 LOCATE 9,24:PEN 3:PRINT"PRESS ANY KE Y TO START":PEN 1 140 IF INKEY$=""THEN 140 ELSE CLS 150 N=1 160 READ G$(N),C(N):IF MID$(G$(N),1,3)=" ZZZ" THEN GOTO 230 170 N=N+1:GOTO 160