Biorhythms The theory of biorhythms assumes that the physical, emotional and intellectual capacities of an individual are subject to regular cycles of 23, 28 and 33 days respectively. During each cycle the curve will increase to a high point, then sink below the median value, tracing out a sine wave. These cycles commence at birth, and progress at different rates, producing crossovers, considered to signify 'critical' periods (days when the individual is more prone to accident or error of judgement) when the crossover is one involving the low values of the curves. Especially crucial are those days when all three curves meet. Positive high values at crossovers have a good effect. The program calculates the cycles from the day of birth, and displays a graph of the curves for a period of one month from the chosen date. 10 REM BIORHYTHMS 20 REM ROBERT ERSKINE 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER # 1,0:CLS #1 40 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #070:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 50 CLEAR:CLG:CLS 60 GOSUB 570 70 LOCATE 1,1:PRINT CHR$(24)" B I 0 RHYTHMS";CHRS(24) 80 PEN 3:LOCATE 4,24:PRINT "ENTER DETAIL S NOW (NUMERIC)":PEN 1 90 PEN 2:LOCATE 4,5:PRINT "BIRTH YEAR:"; :PEN 1:INPUT Y:LOCATE 15,5:PRINT CHRS(18 ):LOCATE 15,5:PRINT Y;" 100 PEN 3:LOCATE 4,7:PRINT CHRS(18);"BIR TH MONTH:";:PEN 1:INPUT MS:IF M$<"1" THE N 100 ELSE M=VAL(MS):IF M<1 OR M>12 THEN 100 110 LOCATE 4,9:PRINT CHRS(18);"BIRTH DAY :";:PEN 1:INPUT DS:IF D$<"1" THEN 110 EL SE D=VAL(DS):IF D<1 OR D>31 THEN 110 120 LOCATE 4,9:PRINT"BIRTH DAY:"