Flying Bomb The year is 1943. You are a wartime test-pilot under orders to conduct a series of tests on a powerful new flying bomb which, if it proves its mettle, could bring D-Day that much closer. Your instructions are to try out the new wonder weapon on a Nazi bunker (situated at the bottom right of your monitor screen). You can drop only one bomb per run and, because you've never grappled with these devices before, it's going to take you a while to get the hang of the controls. But do your best. Your country is depending on you! 10 REM FLYING BOMB 20 REM @ MICHAEL DEWS 30 GOSUB 630 40 MODE 1:BORDER 1:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER # 1,0:CLS #1 50 SC=0 60 P0=0:CR=0:DIST=270000:DC=DIST:TH=1000 :D=0:H=4:DK=D:HK=H:5=150 70 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN #1 ,1:CLS #0 so PEN 3:PAPER 0:PRINT CHR$(24);" FLYING BOMB ";CHR$(24);:PEN 1 90 LOCATE 1,3:PEN 2:PRINT"SCORE:":PEN 3: LOCATE 7,3:PRINT SC:PEN 1 100 LOCATE 14,1:PRINT"MLS TO TARGET":LOC ATE 18,2:PEN 3:PRINT"HEIGHT FT":LOCATE 1 8,3:PEN 2:PRINT"SPEED NTS":PEN 1 110 LOCATE 1,19:PRINT STRING$(32," ") 120 LOCATE 1,22:PEN 3:PRINT CHR$(24);"UP & DOWN CURSOR KEYS FOR HEIGHTLEFT AND R IGHT FOR SPEED AND THECOPY KEY TO RELEAS E BOMB! ";CHR$(24):PEN 1 130 LOCATE 32,15:PRINT CHR$(235);:LOCATE 31,16:PRINT CHR$(236);CHR$(143);:LOCATE 30,17:PRINT CHR$(236);CHR$(143);CHR$(14 3);:LOCATE 29,18:PRINT CHR$(236);CHR$(14 3);CHR$(143);CHR$(143); 140 REM *** MAIN ROUTINE ***