Wordsum A test of your logical thought processes, this program presents you with a sum to solve. Not so difficult, you might think, but in this case some of the numbers have been replaced by letters, and the answer you want is not a number, but the word that the numbers spell! The program gives you a different set of number/letter substitutions for each problem, and the answer is always to be found if you follow the arithmetic through. 10 REM WORDSUM 20 REM @ MICHAEL BEWS 30 MODE 1 40 INK 0,1:INK 1,24:INK 2,20: INK 3,6 50 FOR X= 0 TO 7: WINDOW #X,1,40,1,25:NE XT 60 BORDER 0:PAPER #0,0:PEN #0,1:WINDOW # 1, 2,39,9,18:PEN #1,0:PAPER #1,3 70 GOSUB 880 80 REM ******** START ********* 90 T=0 100 NN=l+INT(RND*N) 110 IF MIDS(WS(NN),6,1)=" " THEN X=5 ELS E X=6 120 PS=MIDS(WS(NN),1,X) 130 CLS #1 140 LOCATE *0,9,2:PRINT #0,"WORDSUM M ICHAEL BEWS" 150 FOR I=1 TO 8 160 LOCATE #1, 9,I:PRINT #1, B$; 170 NEXT 180 REM **** GET RANDOM LETTER ***** 190 FOR X=1 TO LEN(PS) 200 AS(X)=MIDS(P$,X,1) 210 IF X=1 THEN 250 220 FOR Z=1 TO X-1 230 IF AS(X)=AS(Z) THEN A(X)=A(Z):GOTO 10 240 NEXT Z 250 A(X)=INT(RND*10)