Battleships This is the traditional game of Battleships to be played against the computer. For anyone who hasn't come across the game before, there are full instruction included in the listing. The winner is the first to destroy all the six enemy ships, and there are levels of difficulty (1 or 2) which must be entered before battle can commence. 10 REM BATTLESHIPS 20 REM @ PAUL STANLEY. 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,26:INK 2,24:INK 3,6 40 WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER #1,0:CLS #1 50 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 60 DIM Y(6):DIM X(6):DIM H(6),F(6):DIM G (6):DIM C$(12,12) 70 GOSUB 1020 80 GOSUB 560 90 GOSUB 670 100 0=16:F=18:0X=0:PX=P 110 PRINT CHR$(22)+CHR$(1):LOCATE P+1,Q +1:PRINT"+":PRINT CHR$(22)+CHR$(0) 120 LOCATE 1,19:PEN 3:PRINT" OUR MOVE ":PEN 1 130 LOCATE 1,21:PEN 2:PRINT"Use the curs or keys to move yourcross about.Fire by pressing theCOPY key.":PEN 1 140 PRINT CHR$(22)+CHR$(1):LOCATE P+1,0 +1:PRINT"+";:PRINT CHR$(22)+CHR$(0) 150 X$=INKEY$ 160 IF INKEY(2)=0 THEN Q=Q+1:IF Q=17 THE N 0=5 170 IF INKEY(0)=0 THEN 0=0-1:IF 0=4 THEN 0=16 180 IF INKEY(1)=0 THEN P=P+1:IF P=30 THE N P=18 190 IF INKEY(8)=0 THEN P=P-1:IF P=17 THE N P=29 200 IF INKEY(9)=0 THEN 250