Mushroom Invasion All right. So you've dealt with the worst that the galaxies can throw up. The Space Invaders, the asteroid belts, the nightmare timewarp tunnels, the vampire cats — you've seen it all haven't you? Don't you believe it! Things can only get worse. This time around you are faced with a mindless, soulless, heartless fungus . . . the invasion of the mushrooms. It's all over for Earth. The musthrooms already cover half the globe and they're moving in for the final kill. You are the commander of the only surviving security cruiser, and your laser cannons are running low. Wait until you see the whites of their undersides and make every shot count. If they hit your ship you're finished. 10 REM MUSHROOM INVASION. 20 REM @ MICHAEL BEWS. 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24: INK 2,20: INK 3,6:PAPER 0:PEN 1:WINDOW #1,1,4 0,1,25:CLS #1 40 FOR X=360 TO 366:READ A:POKE X,A:NEXT 50 GOSUB 210 60 GOSUB 300 70 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 80 X=1:Y=1:W=0:C=0 90 PEN 2:LOCATE Y+1,1:PRINT MURS:PEN 1 100 ' IF INKEY(9)=0 THEN GOSUB 4000 110 IF INKEY(8)=0 THEN Y=Y+1*(Y>1) 120 IF INKEY (1)=0 THEN Y=Y-1*(Y<27) 130 PEN 2:LOCATE Y+1,1:PRINT MURS:PEN 1 140 IF INKEY(9)=0 THEN GOSUB 440 150 LOCATE Y+2,2:CALL 360:J=PEEK(367):IF J=244 THEN GOSUB 490 160 LOCATE Y+3,2:CALL 360:J=PEEK(367):IF J=244 THEN GOSUB 490 170 LOCATE Y+4,2:CALL 360:J=PEEK(367):IF J=244 THEN GOSUB 490 10 180 GOSUB 380 190 PEN 2:LOCATE Y+1,1:PRINT MURS:PEN 1