Paypackets Anyone who runs a shop or small business will find this program something close to invaluable. It's Friday, you've worked out how much everyone is getting paid and the time has come to make up the wage packets. How many, of what note and what change are you going to need? Well, key this in and all your problems are solved. The program is relatively short, completely reliable and of course you don't have to own a business to use it. It will work with any sum — from thousands of pounds right down to the expenses for the local church fete, or individual small prizes for the children's party. 10 REM PAYPACKETS. 20 REM H.WALWYN. 37 MODE 1: BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20: INK 3,6: PAPER #1,0: PEN #1,1: CLS #1 40 PRINT #1," PAYPACKET S" 50 LOCATE #1,1,3: PRINT #1,"Anyone who r uns a small business will find this pr ogram close to invaluable. It's Friday, you've worked out how much everyone is getting paid and the time has come to make up the wage packets. 60 PRINT #1,"How much of which notes and change are you going to need?" 65 PRINT #1, 70 PRINT #1,"Well,with this program all your problemsare solved.The program is c ompletely reliable and of course you don't have toown a business to use it. It will work with any sum from thousands of pounds right down to the expenses for the local" 80 PRINT #1,"church fete,or individual s mall prizes for the children's party." 90 PRINT #1,:PRINT #1,:PRINT #1," PRESS ANY KEY TO START" 100 IF INKEY$ =" THEN 100 ELSE CLS #1