Invaders How could we write a bumper book of programs without including the classic Invaders game? Well, here it is, complete with shields and Mothership and a screen full of the dreaded Aliens. 10 REM INVADERS 20 REM @ MICHAEL BEWS 70 DIM 1(50) 40 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER # 1,0:PEN #1,1:CLS #1 50 J$(1)=STRING$(32,32) 60 GOSUB 1350 70 XW=0:XV=0:YU=0:IMP=0:TC=0:RA=0:RR=80: HS=-100:TS=0:A=0:C=0:FX=0:L=0:P=7:0=6:T= 2:U=1:V=5:W=10:SC=0:XP=0:Z=1 80 YY=0:)(Z=2:XN=0:XS=0 90 GOSUB 1180:GOTO 720 100 REM MAIN PROGRAM LOOP 110 REM 120 REM INVADER SHUFFLE 130 REM 140 IF TC=U THEN TC=0: GOTO 630 150 FX=U: X=U 160 IF I(X+L*P)=0 THEN FX=0: GOTO 180 170 X=X+U: IF X19 THEN GOTO 1050 250 LOCATE 1,L+A+1: IF (Z=—LJ AND TC=0) T HEN PRINT" "; 260 FOR X = U TO P: IF I(P*L+X)=U THEN P RINT" "-- GOTO 280 270 PRINT 1$; 280 NEXT X 290 PEN 1